Friday, November 18, 2011

Baby for hire!!!!

So money has been super tight lately.  Seriously, if it's not the tires on the car that need to be replaced, its the brakes that need to be done.  Or, SURPRISE!!!! you have yet another hospital bill that is due, like, now!  I offered to pick up some extra hours at work and of course they are not approving any overtime at this time.  Sheeeeesh!
So, in light of these rough economic times, I have resorted to selling my baby's beautiful image in exchange for some cash!  JK, but I will not lie and tell you that I haven't thought about it!  Maybe I am just blinded by pure love for this little girl, but she could be in movies, I'm telling you!!  She should be the baby on the new show UP ALL NIGHT w/Christina Applegate and Will Arnett.  OMG that show is funny, Greg and I can totally relate.  Anyways, I think Dagny has the looks for print work, or television work, I'm thinking.......Toddlers and Tiaras?!!  Hahahahah, do not fret.  She's not old enough for pageants yet, I checked. We gotta wait till she is at least 9 months old.  So the countdown begins!!

Calm down!! I'm totally kidding.  I'm crazy.....just not THAT crazy! :)
Here is my sweet Dags, pretty as can be.... and on a sidenote, if anybody would like to contract Dagny out for some baby modeling just contact me!  lol

 I know, it's like the same picture, 6 different times.  But there are subtle differences people! And I notice them all!  Just call me Tiger Mom :)

The other night my sister Miranda told me, while I was holding Dagny, that I looked like the family's Mexican Nanny!  I thought it was hilarious and started talking in spanish to Dagny like I really was the Mexican Nanny.  She is such a little white skinned baby doll, and her hair is getting lighter and her sweet blue eyes are still hanging around! I personally thinks that Dagny looks just like Greg nowadays :) which is fine with me, cuz he is pretty cute! <3
However, these next two pictures put Greg and I to shame!! Maybe we were tired, maybe we had a late night, maybe we didn't have the time to take a shower yet this day.............whatever the excuse, we look baaaaaad and I apologize.  But who is looking at us anyways? Right?!! It's all about Dags!!! 

 I can't believe that this pretty, sweet little person is part me and part Greg.  I am part of my mom and dad and Greg is the same.  And it goes on and on. How many people have come together to ultimately produce this new person?
I am amazed every single day, and very blessed.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the new post Tiff! I love the new pictures, she just gets more beautiful all the time! I love my little peanut!
    Love Ma
