Friday, October 28, 2011

Silly little Dagny

Dagny makes some funny faces but she brings so much joy to so many people. I am so thankful to have been given this precious baby and that she is healthy. I can't wait to see her grow and teach her things and show her the world and even give her a brother or sister to grow up and play with!!! I know, unreal!! The girl who never wanted kids is now all about them! Im not crazy---just crazy in love with my sweet, SWEET baby D!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Just a typical Thursday

Dagny loves her changing table.  We hung a cute little mobile from Ikea right above the table and she will lay there and kick and smile and stare at her mobile and the curtains next to it......I could just watch her do that all day.  She is such a happy little baby, so easy to take care of, so sweet.  It's even better now because she is starting to make sounds and smile so much!  Next month she has her 2 month doctors appointment.  This is when she starts getting shots.  I am NOT looking forward to it!  Dagny like, NEVER, cries.  So I am anxious to hear her cry after she gets those shots.  I may make Greg be with her when she gets the shots and then come to the rescue and console her, cuz that's what mommy's are for :) I just love her so much!

Tonight, me, Greg, and sweet Dags went on a walk.  I've been walking around the neighborhood all week, like 2 times a day, trying to lose weight.  Dags loves it.  This time she sat facing forward.  She was looking and looking around at everything and eventually fell asleep.  We snapped this shot before she passed out :)
and now, as requested by my mother aka Grandmother Kerry :), here are more random pics of Dagny and her cuteness :)

I hope this bath shot doesn't embarrass Dagny too much! All her lady parts are covered up, plus her little bath cover ties in with the whole "my dad is into reptiles and tortoises" thing :)

This next part is about my brother..... I love him so much.  He makes me proud, so proud.  He is motivated, works hard and does what he loves.  This summer, he was chosen to be Coney Island's Sideshow inside talker.  There is an awesome video that you all should watch that showcases his awesomeness! Here is the link....
Fast forward to about 14-15 minutes in and its all about him!  Pretty darn cool.

love you Raymond!!!

ok folks, good nite :)

Monday, October 24, 2011

Time management

This has become an issue for me.  I cannot manage my time. Case and point--I have not blogged since last Tuesday!!!  Yes, granted, it is only my first weeks attempt at keeping a blog but seriously??! 5 days? Unacceptable.  Please accept my humblest of apologies :)  Plus, I have a hard time getting out of the house on time for anything.  I am working on it though, along with the tons of other stuff I really, REALLY need to do!!

So, update.  I got a baby bjorn! Dagny and I have been walking in the mornings and sometimes walking again with Greg when he gets home in the evenings.  So far she loves it and I love being able to carry her instead of pushing her around in the stroller.  I can carry her facing me or facing outwards, and so far she is comfortable both ways.  I'm very happy with it.  I have really been itching to go thrifting lately so I'm excited, the carrier should make it easier to shop. :)  I'm still in the market for a sling to carry Dags in so if anybody can recommend one, I'm all ears!

Let's see.....this weekend was my second work week working...haha, that seems just a bit redundant.  Does that even make sense? Oh well, wutevs, you all know what I mean.  Anyways, Greg is off weekends so, as you know, he has been taking care of this sweet little child o'mine (ours).  I gotta say, I am impressed and I love watching him with Dagny.  The funny thing is that he was talking to me, Tina (his mom) and my nana, and saying how when he is alone with her and she gets fussy, he feels so busy! He said--I feed her, then burp her, then change her, and then she gets fussy, so I walk around with her, read her a book and then it starts all over again!  All 3 of us were like.....UH.....YA!! hahahahahaha
Welcome to fatherhood, love! You're doing awesome! :) 

I love waking up to this sweet little angel baby face!!!

I cannot imagine life without her.  She has changed me, becoming a mother has changed me.  I love her, fiercely. I will do anything for her. 
Can you say, "Tiger Mom"???!! 
But seriously, I am thankful every single day for this baby girl of mine, she is so precious, SO sweet, and OH SOOOOOO beautiful!

Here it is!!!!!!!!
Your Daily Dose of Dagny aka random pictures of Dagny portraying some extreme baby cuteness

Love that little big yawn!!

 ooooooh!! Mariah's babies are sooo cute! and I love the nicknames Roc and Roe, adorable!  Mariah, our kids should be friends and play.  Have your people call mine, and we will make it happen!

One last thing.....Thank you to my family, all of you.  I am thankful for each one of you and I love you all very much!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Quick!!! Someone enter this baby into some kinda CUTEST BABY contest! Haha, but seriously, she's got potential ;) I'm thinking............Gerber. Lofty, i know!

Over the hills and through the woods....

To grandmother Kerrys house we went, yesterday. But for me and Dagny it was more like-- Over the potholes and through the ghetto! I swear, there is construction going on everywhere in this town so you get creative (aka very impatient) and take some side streets, back roads, and if you're running SUPER late, even alleyways. Sometimes you get lucky and sometimes you don't. But I digress.
During our visit with grandma Kerry, Dagny did one of the several baby things she does best, sleep. ;) Thankfully, she is so cute even when she's sleeping and I did what comes naturally, I snapped even MORE pictures of my baby girl. Don't you just wanna snuggle with her?!!

Monday, October 17, 2011


Poor Dagny....ever since exiting the womb, people have been taking so many pictures and videos of her.  Her mother has been no exception :)  I just cannot help it! Honestly....

See??  I'm just obsessed a proud mommy!!

I think she looks alot like Greg, but sometimes I get glimpses of Dez or Miranda and even Raymond, oh ya, and me, of course :)  It's very cool to be able to see so many people in one little baby.  This one new life.  This whole other person who is going to grow up, and go through life and experience all sorts of things, just like you have.  It is just amazing to think that all of this came from Greg and me, well, and God of course, but like, ME AND GREG kinda made this life.  She is amazing, she is beautiful, she is my daughter, and she is the best thing to ever be given to me! 

Last night Dagny threw up on, ALOT.  Luckily for her but not so luckily for me, she was positioned so that her outfit survived the episode but mine did not.  I had sweet little Dagny vomit all down my chest and down my shirt.  She was completely fine afterwards, calm and chill as usual just in case anybody was starting to worry ;)  It didn't gross me out at all, in fact, I smiled. I thought "so this is what its like to be a mom!".  I never ever thought that I would feel that, but I'm happy I do.
Dagny can puke all over me and I will clean us up happily, every time.
I am, after all, her mommy! :)


Random thoughts

When you're driving with a baby does that make it ok to drive in the HOV lane? Hmmmm.

My days fly by. Like, really, really fast. Oh, except when I'm working and away from Dags and Greg is home taking care of her! That's when the days seem sooo long and drawn out But weekdays go by so quickly! I have so much to do and all I WANNA do is feed Dagny, pump, change her diapers, play with her and take naps with her ;) so that's pretty much my normal morning schedule, and I love it. I need to add some morning exercise, especially since we are having some nice weather in the mornings. Dags usually sleeps in the stroller but
I would really like to get a baby carrier to use instead. This would also help me do a couple of the million things that need to be done around the house and still b able to have Dagny close to me. I saw some slings that grabbed my interest, and a baby Bjorn active. Anybody have any experience with slings or other kinds of carriers? I need to do some research.

Let's see.......what else?
Oh yes! I've taken up drinking coffee. Black. Cuz that's how I roll. But it's not a ton of coffee, so I don't think it's affecting Dagny at all. It's just one cup here and there because, believe me, I need all the energy I can get.

Alright, time for our Daily Dose of Dagny!!
I love when Dagny is holding her little neck up and peering over your shoulder, looking at the world. Utter cuteness. Heres some proof!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

It is pronounced Kuh-Nell

I know, I know!! You see a word like knife or knock and the K is silent. However, the surname Knoell does not
follow those same rules ;) This means that instead of calling us Tiffany, Greg, or Dagny Nole (this is the phonetic spelling of how it's usually pronounced....I think), as the title of this post so eloquently puts it..... It's pronounced Kuh-Nell. Go ahead, say it with me......KUH-NELL. GOOD!!! You got it! Long story short, this correct pronunciation is what makes the name of this blog work, along with the vague referrence to that crazy Kardashian family everybody is always talking about---wutevs! Keeping up with the KUH-NELLS, an alliteration. Wikipedia will tell you what that means
If you're not sure, but trust me, that's what it is.
Anyways, just wanted to clear that up in case people were wondering.
Also, on a side note, leave me some comments peeps!!! Let me know someone is actually reading these! Thanks

How big is the baby??!!!


Now I need to master photoshop so I can REALLY have some fun!
Plenty of pics to share!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Cuddling with daddy and doing the "I love mommy" dance

First day back to work.....missing Dagny!

So.....I love my job.  Its rewarding, pays well, and my schedule is pretty sweet. However, this is my first time working since having Dagny and I cannot wait to get home!  I had to leave the house this morning at about 9:45, Greg walked me out with Dagny in his arms.  I dressed her in a sweet little pink dress outfit that nana bought her and she looked soooooo cute!  Anyways, I didn't think that I would be one of those moms that cries when they have to leave their baby for the first time, but it was hard for me, I'm not gonna lie!!  Actually, since becoming a mom, I have noticed alot of things about me that I had not expected at all!  But that is a whole nother post!
ok, so much for the first post, I will post more late.....HOPEFULLY, along with some pics of Dagny....
Wish me luck on this whole blogging thing!  Oh, and Dez gets total props for coming up with the idea to blog and also the nifty name.  I just hope Ryan Seacrest doesn't come after me and sue me and make me change it, lol!