Friday, November 25, 2011

Very Thankful!

I do not deserve to be blessed as much as I have been.  Ever since Dagny, I realize how much I have taken for granted.  But now that I have realized this, I really appreciate all that I have been given. 
I'm thankful for life; new life that has just entered the world and a life that has already come and gone.  Life is fragile, it is fleeting, and it is also a miracle!  Dagny is a miracle, and Greg and I have been so blessed with her.  We love her so much, with a love that we could have never imagined having before.  She brings me joy that I have never felt before!  And its the purest kind of happiness.  She is so sweet, so innocent, and her laughter and her smiles are like medicine.. They instantly cheer you up--make you smile.  BLESSED, I say!!
I am blessed with my family.  Each and every one of them.  Immediate family, extended family....I have felt so much love this past year from you all and I love you and am thankful that we are family :)
I am blessed with the sweetest sweet love husband ever.  So handsome, so loving, and he puts up with me!!! ;)  Nah, jk......I put up w HIM!.....hahahaha, but seriously, he is not just a great husband but a really genuine, awesome person.  awwwwww! I love him <3

so.....Thanksgiving this year was a two parter....On Thursday, we went to Kathy's house.  This is Greg's aunt on his dad's side, so it is Dagny's Great Aunt. :)  Food was awesome! There was lots of family, gratuitous napping on couches, and Cowboys fans were heckled and mocked.  I love family gatherings :)
 Us with Aunt Kathy :)
I like how Eddie is balancing the remote on his shoulder there, Dagny should be wearing a helmet in case it falls!
And here's Dagny, passed out on Opa.  Guess there was some triptophan in the milk :)  And see that Thanksgiving turkey bib??!! SO CUTE! Thank you, Oma! <3

 On Friday, Nana and Dad came over and we had Thanksgiving lunch with them.  Dagny was so talkative and happy!  She is starting to drool alot and blow bubbles.  Cwazy baby.  Yes, say it out loud.  That's baby talk for you, it's what I speak  Anyways, Dagny had a very nice first Thanksgiving.  She was very well behaved and super cute, she met some other family members, and now she can't wait for Christmas!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

33 years ago today......

........This little guy was born and his parents named him Greg Eugene Knoell!  He was a tiny 5lbs 6oz but has quickly grown to his current weight of about 110lbs.  Ha ha, jk.  That's not really his weight but today really is his birthday!!!!! so,
Happy Birthday!!

Greg, I am incredibly grateful for you and I love you oh so much! And since you were such a cutie pie kid, I would like celebrate this special day by showing off some of your best shots :)
His onesie says "HERE COMES TROUBLE".  How true?!! haha, wish we still had it so Dagny could wear it! :)
 I can totally see little baby Greg running around the house in his little walking chair play thingy, and then crashing out like this!  I wonder if Dagny will follow in those footsteps?!

 Sweet Baby Greg and his mom, Tina...circa 1979!

Greg is 10 months old here, looking all debonaire.  He still smiles like this and I can very much see Dagny in this picture :)
 Tweety Bird.....Classic Greg face too. Just imagine a little red baby goatee and it's him, present day!! Except, now he has less hair and all of his teeth :)
Some days, I walk in the door, set my purse down, walk into the kitchen---and see this face, exactly.  I laughed so hard when I saw this picture.  Why? Because this is the face Greg makes AFTER he will lick a plate clean of something.  Or AFTER he has slurped up the last of that soup that was so delicious.  Or AFTER that huge piece of cake fell off the fork on its way into his mouth and splattered down onto the plate.  It's cute, and seeing baby Greg doing it in this picture is priceless. I guess some things never change :)
 Get a load of that head full'o red hair!!

 Rockin' his Knight Rider tee.  I love the 80's (and David Hasselhoff)!!
I also love Gregs freckles, aren't they cute?
Maybe Dagny might have some :)

So there is just a taste of the many pictures to prove that yes, Greg was a cute kid, although not as cute as me! He will disagree with me and plead that HE was cuter than me. We have both agreed to disagree.  However, one thing that we DO agree on is that Dagny has beat us both out.  And we are fine with that :)

Come on!! I couldn't post without some pics of Sweet Dags!! I know, you're welcome :)

Again, Happy Birthday to you Greg, my Sweet Love. Thank you for being my best friend, my baby daddy, and my partner for life.  I can't wait to celebrate another 33 years of birthdays with you and see where life takes us!  Enjoy your Dremel tool :)   I LOVE YOU <3

Monday, November 21, 2011

Just a quick post

Dagny has this cute little bonnet hat that nani got her.  We put it on her the other evening and sat outside with her.  She loved to look around at the trees and the sky and all the clouds!  She has started to make more sounds and wiggles around so much when she gets excited. I love to watch her do this, it makes me so happy! Here are some cute shots.......

 Isn't she just, like, the sweetest little baby face?!!  It's funny to me how fair and light her skin is compared to mine.  Maybe she will have freckles!! I had a dream once, that we had a baby.  She had her red hair tied in pigtails on either side of her round little head, and a face full of freckles, just like her daddy!  I guess freckles come in later on, when she gets bigger.  I have no idea, really, but I am excited to watch her grow and change. 
 This picture I call--"Fistful of hair and a mouthful of fist", because, well, that's what she was doing :)

I am working on a project for Dagny's nursery.  A DIY baby mobile of some sort.  It's very, very DIY and may be embarrassing to show to others, but I will hopefully make a post out of it, so look out for it :)

Also, I had someone suggest that I write a post about my birthstory wth Dagny.  I was thinking about doing it, but since someone asked about it, it is officially on my list of things to blog about.  If anybody has any other suggestions about something they are interested in or something they would like to hear about on this blog, I would love to hear your thoughts.   For example, another thing I would eventually like to blog about is Dagny's room.  It's a cute room and kinda just came together, I could do like a little picture tour of it, blah blah blah.....  So, just stuff like that, random, obscure, wutevs.


Saturday, November 19, 2011

2 month check up!

So, on Friday morning sweet Dagny had her 2 month doctors appointment.
She weighed in at a whopping...............drum roll, please.........**cymbals crashing** 12.7 pounds!  That is a 2 lb weight gain since last visit :)  Oh, and she's gonna be a lanky little lady, measuring in at 24 inches!  The doctor kept saying--Oh my goodness, she is so cute! She even made sure to point out that although I may think that she tells all moms that their babies are cute, that I was wrong.  She said that she had seen plenty of "not so cute" babies and just doesn't say anything.  I thought that was funny, I mean, come on! I understand, I am her mother, to me there is none cuter!
Anyways, after they inflated my and Dagnys ego with all these compliments, it was time for-----THE SHOTS!!  I was a little nervous, if only because a mother is expected to be when they come at her babies with needles! But I knew Dags would do well.  As expected, she cried when she got each shot but right after she was bandaged up and I soothed her and her crying was over.  There were a few wimpers here and there, but for the most part, she returned to her happy, smiley self :)
Here she is after the shots.  Happy on her changing table, as usual

 She is ready for us to take a closer look at those pudgy little injection sites.

 Poor baby....she got two shots in her right leg and one in her left.  I must say though, I am lucky to have such a good baby who doesn't keep crying, and crying, and crying.  I'm already so proud of her!

And here she is again--happy as can be, despite just getting her first shots!
All 24 sweet inches of her!!!

I was give kids suckers or popsicles or some kinda treat after they have to get shots or stitches, right? So what should I give Dagny for being so good? I decided to give her a few extra minutes on each teet tonight, and I am also about to eat some sweet kinda loaf cake, you know, the kind that you can just eat, mindlessly.  The kind that has way too many calories in a single serving.  The kind that makes sure to tell you that this loaf cake is made with REAL BUTTER.  And I will probably eat too much of it,'re welcome Dagny, it's loaf cake flavored milk tonight baby girl! :)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Baby for hire!!!!

So money has been super tight lately.  Seriously, if it's not the tires on the car that need to be replaced, its the brakes that need to be done.  Or, SURPRISE!!!! you have yet another hospital bill that is due, like, now!  I offered to pick up some extra hours at work and of course they are not approving any overtime at this time.  Sheeeeesh!
So, in light of these rough economic times, I have resorted to selling my baby's beautiful image in exchange for some cash!  JK, but I will not lie and tell you that I haven't thought about it!  Maybe I am just blinded by pure love for this little girl, but she could be in movies, I'm telling you!!  She should be the baby on the new show UP ALL NIGHT w/Christina Applegate and Will Arnett.  OMG that show is funny, Greg and I can totally relate.  Anyways, I think Dagny has the looks for print work, or television work, I'm thinking.......Toddlers and Tiaras?!!  Hahahahah, do not fret.  She's not old enough for pageants yet, I checked. We gotta wait till she is at least 9 months old.  So the countdown begins!!

Calm down!! I'm totally kidding.  I'm crazy.....just not THAT crazy! :)
Here is my sweet Dags, pretty as can be.... and on a sidenote, if anybody would like to contract Dagny out for some baby modeling just contact me!  lol

 I know, it's like the same picture, 6 different times.  But there are subtle differences people! And I notice them all!  Just call me Tiger Mom :)

The other night my sister Miranda told me, while I was holding Dagny, that I looked like the family's Mexican Nanny!  I thought it was hilarious and started talking in spanish to Dagny like I really was the Mexican Nanny.  She is such a little white skinned baby doll, and her hair is getting lighter and her sweet blue eyes are still hanging around! I personally thinks that Dagny looks just like Greg nowadays :) which is fine with me, cuz he is pretty cute! <3
However, these next two pictures put Greg and I to shame!! Maybe we were tired, maybe we had a late night, maybe we didn't have the time to take a shower yet this day.............whatever the excuse, we look baaaaaad and I apologize.  But who is looking at us anyways? Right?!! It's all about Dags!!! 

 I can't believe that this pretty, sweet little person is part me and part Greg.  I am part of my mom and dad and Greg is the same.  And it goes on and on. How many people have come together to ultimately produce this new person?
I am amazed every single day, and very blessed.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Anatomy of a Yawn

Dagny has a such a tiny, sweet baby mouth but, boy oh boy can she open that mouth wide when she yawns.  It is so cute! And she sometimes lets out this little baby holler at the end of the yawn that just makes it even more adorable.  I, being the paparazzi mother that I am, captured some shots of Dags and her precious yawn.. Enjoy!
She was just propped up and is getting ready for the big event!
This is her pre-yawn silly face :)

And now begins---THE DAGNY YAWN
First, she eases into her yawn, nice and easy..........

Then, she quickly picks up momentum!
 Now, Dagny is reaching the pinnacle of her yawn! (see how her right eye gets a little squinty?)
Following this pinnacle, comes a short recoil period where she gathers herself to return to status quo.
This is also where she lets out her oh-so-sweet baby sound.  Makes my heart happy!
 Next comes the post-yawn silly face :)

 She's back to entertaining her audience, whoever they may be!

Friday, November 11, 2011

My apologies

I know, it has been a week since my last post.  No excuse really, just busy with things.  But I have more pictures to share!
This was taken late at nite, hence the red eyes of mine.  Dagny was wide awake but I like this picture because it not only shows her sweet little face, but it shows how blue her eyes are!  Some people say they are still going to change colors and others think they are going to stay that color! I'm excited to see how they turn out :)
This week was my brothers birthday! RayValenz, the most handsome man in sideshow, turned 26.  We had a small bday dinner at my house. Dagny was awake and got to hang out with Ray, Car, Mir, and Jon.   
Miranda was a natural with Dagny!! She held her and even fed her! Good job Miri Baby! You will be babysitting for me in NO TIME!! :)

Here was the cake, and Raymond being excited about it!  :)

Ray, Carlina, Dags

and now, just some pics from one of my many photo sessions with sweet Dagny.  She is just too darn cute, I can't even stand it!

I love this baby girl so much and Greg and I are so thankful to have her.  LOVE YOU BABY D!!

Thanks for reading my blog guys, I will try to do a better job at keeping it updated more than once a week :)