Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Christmas!!

First of all, have you guys seen THIS ?? It is hilarious!!

Second of all, Greg, Dagny and I hope that you all have yourselves a merry little Christmas!! Greg has two weeks off from work and we are looking forward to visiting with family and enjoying Dagny's very first Christmas together!!!

And third of all, thank you to everyone who has voted for Dagny's picture.  I feel like I have been bombarding ppl, asking them to vote for Dags!! She is currently in 67th place, but I aint no quitter! Voting ends on Christmas Day, so if you're not too sick of voting yet, please do again :) HERE is the link. 

again, Merry Christmas everybody!!!! :) LOVE, the Knoells <3

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Birthday Shenanigans!!!

I know, this is not the best picture but i love it, cuz it has all the people i love in it!!! I love more people, of course, but on my bday im thankful that some friends and my sisters came out with  me to celebrate.  Usually for my bday, I sulk, feel sorry for myself, and just become generally depressed.  Don't ask me why, I just do, ok?!! :) But not this year!! Nope, this year I turned 30.  This year I had Dagny.  This year was different, I didn't care if anybody forgot my bday---because this year, it's not about me anymore.  It's about Dags, everything is!!! And I am thankful for another year of life because this one is sure to be a great one, now that Dags is here!
Tuesday the 13th was my actual bday and Greg and I went out to the Keg for dinner while Nani dearest and Dad watched Dagny. I must say, i love that place.  I get the Creole chicken everytime. Delish!  I also had a glass of Pinot Grigio!! yummy....The plan for the nite was to go see a movie after dinner, but in true new parent style, we cut the date short because we both missed Dagny. :) 
Saturday nite I booked a room at a hotel downtown, the Clarendon.   It was kind of a last minute thing, but my friends Jayne and Johnnie were able to come out and have dinner with us.  Then Mateo and Emilie showed.  Then Normie and Melissa.  And then Dez and Miri showed up!!! There was a nice sky deck up on the rooftop of the Clarendon and it was fun goin up there and hanging out, even though it was really cold.  I didnt get too many pics that nite but I am happy with what we got :)

I am cursed with a lazy eye and at this weird angle it is blatantly obvious.... great!  But Jayne looks awesome, as usual! :)
 Mathew and Emilie, thanks for coming out guys, twas good to see you as always.  Emilie is that last of our bunch to turn 30 at the end of the month!!
 Greg and Johnnie------gearing up for an epic nite!! :)
I like how Emilie has a tasty beverage in each hand!! Go Em!!
 The hotel was decorated in MCM style---midcentury modern.  And all those who know me know that it was exactly my cup of tea!  I was trying to figure our how i could fit that lamp into my purse and i loved the sidetables too.  The best part was seeing some chairs in their lobby that are exactly like some that i scored at a thrift shop for super cheap.  I secretly want to be an interior designer and specialize in mcm design.  I missed my calling.
Anyways, we had lots of fun, i finally danced and sweat my bootie off, and I'm officially 30. Life is good.  :)

on a side note, if you haven't already, would you please go HERE and cast your vote for sweet Dagny?  You can vote once a day every day this week from your computer and your phone! It is easy and quick and we would love to win.  Thanks everyone!! :)

Sunday, December 18, 2011

More Dagny

I can't help but not just absolutely adore this pretty little baby face!!  Her skin is so porcelain-y. My baby doll :)

And take a look at these big ol' blue eyes........

Dagny is wearing a shirt that Miranda painted on at one of my baby showers.  It's a little cat face with big blue eyes.  Jayne (wonder woman) had everybody draw or write something on onesies and bibs and then I chose my favorites. Everybody did really cute stuff and they all deserve honorable mention, but we can only have one winner. Here is a sample of her handiwork :)

 Miranda is a total ARTIST.  She was able to go to Coney Island this summer and study at their sideshow banner painting class.  She worked with Marie Roberts who, apparently, is THE best around, and Marie said that Miri has talent (which we already knew, but now it's official! haha). Anyways, she is good and here is a picture of me with the artist and a piece of her upcoming 2012 Babywear line, jk, it was the winning onesie!
 On a side note, if anyone needs a banner painted, you can commission Mir to paint one for you. 

 I'm telling you, she is good, Oh....and her artist name is Mia Valentine, love it!

I had a good bday weekend, more on that later, but now it's off to work for me :(

Monday, December 12, 2011

I got an early birthday present!!

And it is awesome!!

Poor baby just woke up, no wonder she looks bewildered and disheveled.  lol
But don't go thinking that I'm going to say that Dagny was my early present!  Even though having her is the best gift ever.  For every occasion.  So that goes without saying :) Seriously though, I was given a nice nikon digital camera! (Guess all my not so subtle hints paid off)  And thanks to my sweet hubby for doing the research to find an affordable camera to suit our needs.  He is the sweetest, love him!

Unfortunately, this pic was taken Pre-awesome camera.  It is still sooooo sweet though!

Can you tell the difference in the quality of pics?  I can and I am super excited for our upcoming photo shoots that are sure to ensue!!  Case and point.......

that is all for now........tomorrow I turn 30!!!!!! 30!!  Where has the time gone?!!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

3 months ago today.......

......This sweet baby girl was born.  I can still barely believe that she grew in my belly and is my precious little daughter.......I HAVE A BABY GIRL! And I am so happy that I do :)
 This was me at 40 weeks and 3 days.  I had her at 40 weeks, 6days.  Guess she was pretty comfy in there!
She looks like a little Snow White baby, I love it!
We have made ourselves a sweet little family with Dagny as our newest addition.  Three months has gone by so quickly.  Baby D is growing so fast!  Happy birthday sweet baby girl, I love you with all my heart<3

Monday, December 5, 2011

Spoiled, spoiled, spoiled!

The shirt says---"What Santa doesn't bring me, grandma will".  This from her Oma, Tina :)  Of course!!  Dagny is the first grand baby on either side of our families so yes, this child will be spoiled.  But I will do my best to make sure that she is taught to appreciate all that she is given and to not take peoples love and kindness for granted.  I see so many people who have been given so much and do nothing to give back or show their gratitude and it irks me to no end.  I know this will be no easy task in this day and age, but Lord willing, we will do our best :)
anyways!! On to more pictures!!!!! yay!
Look at her, spreading her sweet little toes! 
 She is starting to look and notice her feet more :)
Look at this sweet little fair skinned, light hair, and blue eyed baby!!  Was she switched at birth? It is still a theory of mine, even though she looks EXACTLY like Greg (to me anyways).  Although the other day I was feeding her and I swear she was the spittin image of Dez, my sister.  So cute!

Topping today off with a few impromptu family photos, with our shitty camera.  I have asked Santa for a new digital camera this year, along with a few other things. I hope "Santa" gets the hints I have been dropping (and getting the emails with links to awesome gift ideas I have been sending) Otherwise he is the typical man, and never listens.  LOL
Really though, I have the best husband EVER.  Seeing the love in his eyes for our daughter and hearing him gush over how cute she was during her bath, or how big she smiled at him before bed, or how he thinks we made the cutest baby in the world, just makes me feel like the luckiest, happiest, and most blessed person.  Plus, he tells me I'm pretty :)  haha, what more could a girl want!!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Time flies...

.......When you're having fun!
It's already December and on Tuesday, Dagny will be 3 months old!  She is getting so big, fitting into some 6 month clothes already :)
And she has the prettiest blue eyes.  How did I have a blue eyed baby?!! Genetics is CRAZY!
 Dagny has also begun to smile and laugh.  It is the happiest smile I have ever seen!

She brings us so much joy.  Everyday I am thankful for her and the family I have been blessed with. <3