Saturday, November 19, 2011

2 month check up!

So, on Friday morning sweet Dagny had her 2 month doctors appointment.
She weighed in at a whopping...............drum roll, please.........**cymbals crashing** 12.7 pounds!  That is a 2 lb weight gain since last visit :)  Oh, and she's gonna be a lanky little lady, measuring in at 24 inches!  The doctor kept saying--Oh my goodness, she is so cute! She even made sure to point out that although I may think that she tells all moms that their babies are cute, that I was wrong.  She said that she had seen plenty of "not so cute" babies and just doesn't say anything.  I thought that was funny, I mean, come on! I understand, I am her mother, to me there is none cuter!
Anyways, after they inflated my and Dagnys ego with all these compliments, it was time for-----THE SHOTS!!  I was a little nervous, if only because a mother is expected to be when they come at her babies with needles! But I knew Dags would do well.  As expected, she cried when she got each shot but right after she was bandaged up and I soothed her and her crying was over.  There were a few wimpers here and there, but for the most part, she returned to her happy, smiley self :)
Here she is after the shots.  Happy on her changing table, as usual

 She is ready for us to take a closer look at those pudgy little injection sites.

 Poor baby....she got two shots in her right leg and one in her left.  I must say though, I am lucky to have such a good baby who doesn't keep crying, and crying, and crying.  I'm already so proud of her!

And here she is again--happy as can be, despite just getting her first shots!
All 24 sweet inches of her!!!

I was give kids suckers or popsicles or some kinda treat after they have to get shots or stitches, right? So what should I give Dagny for being so good? I decided to give her a few extra minutes on each teet tonight, and I am also about to eat some sweet kinda loaf cake, you know, the kind that you can just eat, mindlessly.  The kind that has way too many calories in a single serving.  The kind that makes sure to tell you that this loaf cake is made with REAL BUTTER.  And I will probably eat too much of it,'re welcome Dagny, it's loaf cake flavored milk tonight baby girl! :)


  1. You better watch the loaf cake, she is getting to be be a little pudge bunny, but oh so adorable!!! lol! Love you, Ma
