Sunday, October 16, 2011

It is pronounced Kuh-Nell

I know, I know!! You see a word like knife or knock and the K is silent. However, the surname Knoell does not
follow those same rules ;) This means that instead of calling us Tiffany, Greg, or Dagny Nole (this is the phonetic spelling of how it's usually pronounced....I think), as the title of this post so eloquently puts it..... It's pronounced Kuh-Nell. Go ahead, say it with me......KUH-NELL. GOOD!!! You got it! Long story short, this correct pronunciation is what makes the name of this blog work, along with the vague referrence to that crazy Kardashian family everybody is always talking about---wutevs! Keeping up with the KUH-NELLS, an alliteration. Wikipedia will tell you what that means
If you're not sure, but trust me, that's what it is.
Anyways, just wanted to clear that up in case people were wondering.
Also, on a side note, leave me some comments peeps!!! Let me know someone is actually reading these! Thanks


  1. Hi Knoells! You all look great! I can't wait to see you again, and to meet Dagny - she is adorable!
    Great blog idea btw. Love the name :)

  2. Mel!!! Dagny can't wait to meet you either :)

  3. OMG!!! You so remind me of me when I had Avery...I found Jesus again, and wanted to be the best mommy (although these days I will take just being a mom to teenage kids that are good most days), the love we get with our new ones is a pure love nothing will never come close to...It will bring you to your knees in happiness and create of fire inside you that bursts protection for this new life...I am super happy for you both. I know your going to be great. This blog is great...cause 1 yr from now you will forget the little things that seem so big now. I'm reading it honey!
