Monday, December 5, 2011

Spoiled, spoiled, spoiled!

The shirt says---"What Santa doesn't bring me, grandma will".  This from her Oma, Tina :)  Of course!!  Dagny is the first grand baby on either side of our families so yes, this child will be spoiled.  But I will do my best to make sure that she is taught to appreciate all that she is given and to not take peoples love and kindness for granted.  I see so many people who have been given so much and do nothing to give back or show their gratitude and it irks me to no end.  I know this will be no easy task in this day and age, but Lord willing, we will do our best :)
anyways!! On to more pictures!!!!! yay!
Look at her, spreading her sweet little toes! 
 She is starting to look and notice her feet more :)
Look at this sweet little fair skinned, light hair, and blue eyed baby!!  Was she switched at birth? It is still a theory of mine, even though she looks EXACTLY like Greg (to me anyways).  Although the other day I was feeding her and I swear she was the spittin image of Dez, my sister.  So cute!

Topping today off with a few impromptu family photos, with our shitty camera.  I have asked Santa for a new digital camera this year, along with a few other things. I hope "Santa" gets the hints I have been dropping (and getting the emails with links to awesome gift ideas I have been sending) Otherwise he is the typical man, and never listens.  LOL
Really though, I have the best husband EVER.  Seeing the love in his eyes for our daughter and hearing him gush over how cute she was during her bath, or how big she smiled at him before bed, or how he thinks we made the cutest baby in the world, just makes me feel like the luckiest, happiest, and most blessed person.  Plus, he tells me I'm pretty :)  haha, what more could a girl want!!


  1. She does look alotta like her poppa! You guys did great tho! I have to lead my husband to the counter and say see this watch...THAT one, not that or that one, but this one all while not bending over to much so I loose him compltly ;p

  2. Can i have your old camera!?!?!
