Friday, March 2, 2012

Yum yum yum yum yum....DELICIOSO!!

Did you get that reference to the backpack from Dora the Explorer?  I can't be the ONLY one who is thankful for Nickelodeon when the dishes desperately need to be done or when I REALLY need a shower! (and i only have ONE kid!!)  haha....Anyways,
On the menu tonite for Dagny was some fresh, steamed broccoli.

Of course, she made sure to thoroughly inspect it before trying it :)

 Then she played with it......

and played some more, examining the color and texture...

I like her feet in this one!

 Her eyes are so big....Greg said they look like anime
Eventually, Dagny decided that she liked it!  She didn't really eat any of it, but she got some good practice reaching, grabbing, and bringing it to her mouth, and hopefully the taste will stay with her and she will be the kid who always eats her veggies!! I know, I am asking for alot, but so far this kid has impressed the heck outta me.  She is really setting the bar high for any other babies who may come to join us :)
  She is also eating pureed foods like bananas and sweet potatoes like a champ and I do have pics to prove it! They are so funny....classic food in face.....coming soon :)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Nice day+Greg home=Walk with Dagny

 Except for the past couple of cold, windy days, the weather here has been phenomenal.  For President's day Greg had a day off and we had a nice walk in the neighborhood with Dags.  On some of our walks together she has met several of the local animals that live among us.  She has met horses, goats, chickens, rabbits, and of course, tortoises. 

Daddy pushing the stoller

 Posing with mamma!

Looking up at her sweet daddy :)

Not many pics today, I am sorry, my computer is so freakin slow at loading them, even after resizing!  oh well.  More pics to come soon guys :)